Healing, Hope & Love operates as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and all of your gifts (monetary or otherwise) are tax deductible (ID# 81-4365226). Please know that all gifts are greatly appreciated and we're grateful that you find value in the programs that we're running. Please visit our GUARDIANS page to find out about the specific needs of each of our programs. In general terms, it costs approximately $20 to create, assemble, and ship a single Freedom Kids care package, and it costs approximately $0.75 to create, assemble, and distribute a modest Food for Friends lunch bag. We thank you in advance for your contribution(s) and we hope that you'll consider urging others to give as well.
Select a gift amount to the right, or click below to set your own amount.
Because of your generosity, within our first eight months of service, we were able to provide:
Over 2,000 meals to food-deprived communities
Over 3,000 bottles of water to food-deprived communities
14 holiday care packages to homeless middle school students
1 comprehensive holiday care package worth over $2,000 to a family in distress
20 care packages to children that have lost a parent in the military
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Guardians are described as those that watch over and/or protect another. Thank you to all of our Guardians for all that do.
Your gift to "Where Most Needed" gives Healing, Hope & Love the resources and opportunity to continue operating in the most efficient and effective ways possible. We’re able to apply these donations to our most critical and pressing needs and we thank you in advance for giving.